Hate has no place at PCC.

Hate has no place at PCC

NO Hate Zone Graphic


We stand with you.

PCC谴责一切形式的仇恨和暴力,并致力于人类和 social justice as an ongoing endeavor that we highly value. 

PCC的许多组织都通过了决议或发表了正式声明 condemning hatred.

Black Lives Matter at PCC is more than a statement. It is a governing principle for 真正的对话,无畏的探究和深思熟虑的行动将使我们的大学团结一致 这个社区的核心信念是,我们的社会中没有系统性的种族主义.

Join Us

PCC的许多组织都通过了决议或发表了正式声明 谴责仇恨,肯定学院对健康、安全、福祉的承诺, 以及我们的黑人/非裔美国学生、教职员工的进步.

Read Office Statements and Resolutions

Dear Campus Community,  

We hope this email finds you well. With the encouragement of a colleague and the responses 对于学生来说,我们觉得有必要分享在美国正在发生的事情 Artsakh(也被称为纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫)与整个校园社区因为 我们与许多认为自己是亚美尼亚人的学生和同事一起工作. 

What is happening?

虽然这方面的新闻报道很少,但你们中的一些人可能会意识到这一点,因为 social media. 周日上午,阿塞拜疆对阿尔察赫进行了军事打击 with heavy artillery fire directed at civilian targets. Artsakh is a territory made 由1991年苏联解体后的阿塞拜疆分裂出来的亚美尼亚土著民族组成. In 1994年(以及2016年),双方签署了停火协议,为该地区带来和平,但是 这一停火不断被阿塞拜疆的小规模袭击所破坏 多年来,包括今年7月的一次小规模冲突. However, what 周日发生的袭击是自20世纪90年代以来最严重的袭击. Armenia/Artsakh 战争一触即发,双方数百人已经付出了代价 price with their lives. The indigenous Armenian population does not want this war 在军事攻击的冲击下,他们只能自卫.  

Why should you care?

  • Many of us, our students, and colleagues have families living in the region; some were born there; many are connected to Artsakh/Armenia in some way or another. 
  • 我们这些在亚美尼亚没有家人的人,发现了我们自己 从星期天开始,我就冻得发抖,害怕,不停地哭,觉得自己无能为力. When one Armenian is hurt, all Armenians are in pain.  
  • This brings about generational trauma in Armenians. The history of the Armenian Genocide 区域领导人最近发表的声明使土著亚美尼亚人感到不安 population in fear of continuous ethnic cleansing.  
  • 散居在世界各地的亚美尼亚人,包括在洛杉矶这里的亚美尼亚人,也是如此 由于反亚美尼亚人的袭击和对亚美尼亚学校和建筑的破坏, and monuments.  
  • 像这样的小战争如果不及早制止,会对全球产生更大的影响. Consider the 位于高加索中部内陆的亚美尼亚及其邻国的地理位置 their regional interests of domination.   

What can you do?

  • 考虑一下你的亚美尼亚学生和同事可能生活的环境. 如果你正在教一门课,那就比你现在更体谅他们 are late with homework, disengaged, or not present. 
  • 如果你要和一个亚美尼亚学生见面,承认你知道他们在做什么 place and ask if they are impacted and how they are feeling. 一个不是亚美尼亚人的人关心或要求这件事本身就足以说明问题.  
  • 找到你认识的有亚美尼亚血统的学生和同事,问问他们 them how they are doing. This is an example of a student response we've received: 
    • “I’ve been crying so much from everything going on. My cousin in Armenia isn’t answering 他的手机,我们不确定他是否在打架或者发生了什么. It’s so disheartening. It’s been a terrible weekend… I’ve been on Twitter a lot lately and all I’m seeing are Turks and Azeris attacking us. They’re so many in number. It’s ridiculous. 我甚至没有做任何作业,因为这让我付出了巨大的代价 对我来说,知道我的一位教授正在向她的学生伸出援助之手让我感到很温暖 my heart so much.” 

How can you help further?

  • 联系你选出的代表,让他们知道你关心什么 is going on in Artsakh. Sign petitions asking the UN and NATO for support. Armenians 不想要这场战争,我们需要更多的国际关注来帮助我们结束 to it.  
  • Educate yourselves with what is going on.  
  • If you have social media, please post and raise awareness.  
  • And if you're inclined, donate. Armenia has a small, developing economy and is now 对抗一个GDP和人口都比自己高得多的国家,而这个国家的军队 is now being supported by Turkey: http://armeniafund.ejoinme.org/donate 

Dear Lancer Family:

十大靠谱棋牌游戏亚洲地区已知的暴力事件的报道越来越多 as Artsakh or Nagorno-Karabakh. While this area has known conflict for nearly 30 years, 最近暴力事件的激增令人深感不安,并对社会产生了尖锐的影响 the Armenian community at PCC.

虽然我们一直在远程工作,但最近的新闻引起了极大的关注 我们的亚美尼亚同事和我们学校的学生. I can only imagine 在他们的国家看到军事打击的录像有多难 起源,并听到死亡和破坏的地方承载着深刻的意义 for our Armenian community’s family and friends.  I also find it unacceptable that 美国早些时候没有重申其对亚美尼亚种族灭绝的谴责 这已经导致了亚美尼亚社区的孤立感 同时可能会鼓励地区强人升级暴力.  For these reasons 更重要的是,我知道PCC社区与Artsakh人民坚定地站在一起. We call 立即停止敌对行动,希望各方弥合分歧 through regular diplomatic means.

下面,我很高兴地附上一些以前流传过的资源 by the Armenian Student Association. You may also be interested in attending an Armenian solidarity ceremony at 7 p.m. tonight at Pasadena City Hall, at which speakers and advocates will further address this issue.

最后,我请求,如果你知道有人正处于压力之下,请伸出援手 offer to help. 今年,我们目睹了不同寻常的冲突和压力, and we can only address these issues by coming together.

Please be safe and healthy,


What can you do?

  • 考虑一下你的亚美尼亚学生和同事可能生活的环境. 如果你正在教一门课,那就比你现在更体谅他们 are late with homework, disengaged, or not present. 
  • 如果你要和一个亚美尼亚学生见面,承认你知道他们在做什么 place and ask if they are impacted and how they are feeling. 一个不是亚美尼亚人的人关心或要求这件事本身就足以说明问题.  
  • 找到你认识的有亚美尼亚血统的学生和同事,问问他们 them how they are doing. This is an example of a student response we've received: 
    • “I’ve been crying so much from everything going on. My cousin in Armenia isn’t answering 他的手机,我们不确定他是否在打架或者发生了什么. It’s so disheartening. It’s been a terrible weekend… I’ve been on Twitter a lot lately and all I’m seeing are Turks and Azeris attacking us. They’re so many in number. It’s ridiculous. 我甚至没有做任何作业,因为这让我付出了巨大的代价 对我来说,知道我的一位教授正在向她的学生伸出援助之手让我感到很温暖 my heart so much.” 

最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏教授和她的亚裔美国人的个人故事 历史课上的真知灼见在课程结束多年后仍被证明是令人难忘和重要的.

Read On

From the Pasadena Star-News

Dear colleagues:

这些已经充满挑战的时代更加突出了 种族主义、煽动性和仇外言论,以及针对亚裔美国人的暴力 and Pacific Islander persons, families, and communities. As a college committed to 面对过去的种族不公正和不平等的遗产,承认 我们谴责目前的现实和为公平的未来而努力 anti-Asian racism in all forms. Advancing racial equity and inclusion for people of 所有种族和民族对保障每个人的安全至关重要. 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏将努力激活我们社区的每一个成员 反对种族仇恨、恐吓、威胁和暴力. We stand 坚定地支持我们的亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民社区——我们的学生, staff, faculty, and alumni.

You may find these resources helpful:

Coping with Xenophia and Anti-Asian Racism:

Countering Coronavirus Stigma and Racism:

Reporting Xenophobia and Anti-Asian Racism:


In Solidarity,

Dr. Cynthia Olivo, Vice President, Student Services
Dr. Rebecca Cobb, Dean of Student Life
Dr. Kari Bolen, Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer

Dear Colleagues,

随着我们进入春季,COVID感染的下降和疫苗的到来带来了 new hope and joy to a long and painful year.

随着希望的出现,种族主义和仇恨的乌云正在逼近. Since the pandemic’s 一开始,针对这位亚裔美国人的伤害性言语和致命的人身攻击 Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. From Pasadena, Rosemead, Oakland, New York and 现在亚特兰大发生了致命的枪击事件,这些袭击是一个痛苦的提醒 the unresolved conversations around racism in America.

我们的长者成为袭击目标,企业和礼拜场所遭到亵渎. 我们的学生分享了欺凌、种族歧视和身体暴力的故事. 马萨诸塞大学波士顿分校在反对仇视亚太裔的声明中提醒我们, “不幸的是,没有针对仇恨和暴力大流行的疫苗 而不是对亚裔美国人的无知、机会主义和刻薄的种族主义 fueled it.”

我们呼吁我们的校园承认我们的痛苦,谴责AAPI仇恨,并消除 model minority myth. 我们需要分解我们的亚太裔学生的数据,以便奉献 更多支持我们的亚太裔社区(教职员工和学生). We need our allied 社区站起来反对所有形式的种族主义和白人至上主义 spaces they inhabit. We acknowledge that the roots of AAPI hate lie in the roots of anti-Blackness. The same disease of racism kills without regard to skin color. ACT CHANGE是一个专注于亚太裔社区的全国性反欺凌组织, asserts, “We remember that our strength lies in our solidarity. It’s not me vs. you. It’s us vs. racism.” Join us in standing against hate. Please use and share the resources listed below.


Coalition of Asian Pacific Employees (CAPE)
Association of Latino Employees
The Association of Black Employees
PCC JAN (Joint Armenian Network)


PCC API Student Guide/Resources

Community Resources

Documenting and addressing:

Bystander intervention training:

Mental health support:


Our hearts are heavy. 昨晚,亚特兰大有8人在亚裔经营的水疗中心被杀, 6 of them being Asian American women. This targeted hate crime was an act of violence perpetrated by white supremacy against our AAPI community. The Freeman center denounces 针对我们亚太裔社区的暴力和各种形式的种族主义. We stand in solidarity 反对仇外心理和种族主义,承认反种族主义必须包括亚洲人 American experience. To our AAPI community, we see you and you deserve better. Our hearts go out to the victims and their families.


最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏学术参议院宣布采取行动减少影响 of racism1 从校内做起,主动承担教学责任 and the community about the sources and impacts of racism.    

View the Resolution

Dear Students and Colleagues,

我们怀着悲伤和恐惧再次对不可想象的暴力作出反应.  最近有8名无辜的人死亡,其中6名是亚裔女性 shaken us to our core. We are heartbroken. 

美国对在美国出生的亚洲人的种族歧视由来已久.S. and visiting the U.S. is what has brought us here today.  Previous administrations have put a target 在所有有色人种的背后,允许种族暴力行为.

对于亚洲人在美国遭受的历史虐待,我们并非天真. The Chinese 排华法案,使用华工修建铁路,拘留 日本人在密歇根州底特律犯下了令人发指的谋杀罪., because of his 亚裔,是种族主义和完全无视亚裔生命的一些例子. 我们都看到过亚裔美国人在漫画和电影中的形象. 模范少数族裔神话也继续延续着这些危险的刻板印象. 我们认识到,这些信念是有害的,并有助于歧视 Asian Americans.

This event has affected us on a very personal level.  As your health care providers, you have shared your life with us. You have come to us with immunization records we cannot read and sat patiently as we Google translated.  You have shared memories of 你祖国的新年传统以及你对思念家乡的失望 this year. 我们分享了你们毕业和转学的喜悦和骄傲. 

我们见证了你们的生活,也被你们永远地改变了.  Thank you for giving us a glimpse into your culture. Our knowledge of the world has grown because of you. 

我们,学生健康服务的工作人员,与亚裔美国人社区站在一起 并将继续为亚裔美国学生发声. We 是否致力于学习大声疾呼,反对歧视和诋毁 in all its forms. 我们与整个PCC社区一起努力,争取一个更公正的 and respectful campus. Know that we are here for you.

There is an Indonesian folk saying - Tak kenal maka saying - 'If you don't know it, you can't love it.” We are grateful to you for helping us in our journey to know it. 

In solidarity,

The Student Health Center 

Hello Lancer Family:

你们很多人都知道,最近反亚裔和反太平洋岛民情绪高涨 (AAPI)暴力事件,最近发生的枪击案造成8人死亡 in Atlanta this past Tuesday.  At Wednesday’s Board meeting, I read an eloquent joint 来自CAPE, ALE, TABE和PCC JAN的声明谴责暴力并承认 that “the roots of AAPI hate lie in the roots of anti-Blackness.  The same disease of racism kills without regard to skin color.”  

我今天写信给你们,请求你们与我站在一起,反对针对亚太裔的暴力.  加州社区大学联盟的党团会议通过了一项决议 谴责这一暴力行为,PCC董事会将在4月投票表决 21st Board Meeting. 

与此同时,请在下面找到“沉默即暴力”网络研讨会的信息: 拆解和解决亚太裔暴力问题-将于3月27日下周六举行, from 1-3.  它是免费的,我鼓励每个人都注册并参加这次活动.  

我与我们的亚太裔社区站在一起,因为种族主义和仇恨只能是 eradicated if it is rejected wholesale.  Please join me in this effort and help to make PCC a welcoming, safe space for everyone. 

April 20, 2021

Dear colleagues:

今天我们听到消息,明尼阿波利斯的一个陪审团发现了一名前警官 德里克·肖文在去年五月导致乔治·弗洛伊德死亡的所有罪名成立. 当我说我很高兴知道这个消息时,我相信我代表了整个PCC社区 that justice in this case has been done.

乔治·弗洛伊德的死代表了恐怖的普遍暴力 is committed against Black, indigenous people of color. While today’s ruling indicates 在很多情况下,那些实施暴力的人会有后果 这种暴力行为的肇事者没有被追究其致命行为的责任. 更重要的是,在一个继续监禁BIPOC的制度中,没有正义 men and women at disproportionate rates; that refuses to allow equitable access to housing, jobs, and education opportunities; and that applies immense pressure on families, young people, and communities that strive for progress. The news from Minneapolis 今天,我们的朋友、同事、 and neighbors need to bring their lives back into balance.

随着此案的影响在这里和全国各地继续显现, I encourage you to discuss your views. Talk with people and share your thoughts, so that we can work together to advance the cause for justice. At PCC, we will have opportunities 为了让我们的“头脑空间”与我们的“心灵空间”在这些发展方面相匹配, starting with a community conversation on Thursday. More details will be sent separately. 

如果这些事件让你认识的人感到压力或焦虑,请给予鼓励 them to seek help. PCC’s Employee Assistance Program 为教职员工提供免费和低成本的咨询服务 the Personal Counseling office is available for students in need of help.

我的心与乔治·弗洛伊德、他的家人以及所有受到警察影响的人同在 violence. I encourage you to reflect on these issues today as well. 

Erika Endrijonas, Ph.D.

Dear Lancer Community,

On Saturday, June 19th,我们纪念美国奴隶制的终结,以及1865年的这一天 《十大靠谱棋牌游戏》是林肯总统两年半前颁布的 – finally reached the last remaining slaves in Texas. The year following, freed persons 在6月19日,德克萨斯州组织了第一次一年一度的“禧年日”庆祝活动. Now known 作为六月节,它是已知的最古老的奴隶制结束的庆祝活动,也许 the most significant event in American history. It is a date that acknowledges the 美国的基本承诺:人人享有平等、自由和自由的生活.  156年后,我们仍在追求美国的承诺.

六月节承认了美国黑人迟来的解放, 这也提醒我们,尽管我们的国家已经走过了漫长的历史 国家认可的奴隶制和种族隔离,以及促进种族平等的持续努力 and justice for all remains unfinished. As we welcome Juneteenth as a federal holiday 写入法律后,我们不得不反思逝去的生命和被推迟的梦想 by acts of racially-motivated violence and systemic injustice.  Our work must continue 为了解决我们日常教育中仍然存在的系统性压迫遗留问题, healthcare, housing, economic prosperity and the justice system. We move forward, 作为一所大学,在承认我们作为一个社区和作为 a nation—to achieve the full promise of freedom.

作为全球争取种族平等斗争的集体反思时刻,请加入 帕萨迪纳和阿尔塔迪纳社区举办一系列活动来纪念六月节 holiday:

让我们一起庆祝这一天的重要意义,并重新与艾滋病作斗争 racial injustice in America.

In Solidarity,

Kari E. Bolen, Ed.D.
Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer


In solidarity.

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